Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Cold Winter and Indoor Pastimes

It's been a really rough winter here in Kansas City, one of the coldest I can remember. In fact it's been so cold that the school district I work for has closed school 3 times this year just because of the extreme cold temperatures.
Thank goodness we have a warm cozy home to stay in.
Kirsten thought she'd get out and play in the freshly fallen snow but quickly returned home.
"Kirsten, your back already?" asked Rebecca.
"Yes, it's so cold that my nose, fingers, and toes were starting to hurt! Have you gotten anything finished on your scrapbook?"
"No, not much. You weren't gone long enough," replied Rebecca with a little laugh. "Would you like to help me with it?
"I'd love to!" agreed Kirsten.
Felicity and Kaya were in an imaginary land far away playing with the Ugly Dolls. 

 Felicity's Ugly Doll chased after Kaya's "'Come back here OX, it's time to go to dinner!' Hey Kaya, that reminds me I'm hungry. Do you want to get a snack?"
"I sure do! My tummy has been growling!" answered Kaya.
"Oh I thought that was your Ugly Doll growling!" The girls laughed as they walked to the kitchen.
Meanwhile in the kitchen Samantha and Addy had the same idea as Felicity and Kaya.
"It's good to take a break from all that studying," sighed Addy. She is getting ready for the annual school spelling bee.
"You're going to do fine Addy, after all you do win every year! You're the best speller I know!" encouraged Samantha.
"Thank you Samantha. And you are the best painter I know! I love the colors you are using in your latest painting!"
"Thank you, it's a new style I'm trying. I have to let it dry for a little bit before I start the next layer. Which means it's the perfect time for tea time!"
Molly was missing her dear friend Emily and therefore chose to read Emily's story and cuddle her Emily AG doll closely. Bennett nestled into Molly's side on the daybed and looked up at Molly's sad grey eyes.
Molly looked down at her puppy and as if to read his mind said, "I know it's been so long since we've been to Grammy's." Bennett cocked his head to the side and stared back at Molly. "It's okay Bennett I bet we will get to visit Emily, Yank, and the rest of the BFFs very soon." Bennett's tail began to wag just a little.
How has the weather been in your area? Are you getting sick of Winter or do you enjoy Winter? We are making the most of it... Very thankful that we have plenty of activities to keep us occupied indoors. However, we are greatly looking forward to the warm sunny days spent out of doors!!

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