Monday, March 24, 2014

Felicity Goes To Colorado!

My bag is packed and I have warm cozy boots, a heavy coat, furry hat, my favorite Ugly Doll OX, and most importantly I have my camera... I'm heading to Colorado for Spring Break and I'm seeing real Mountains for the first time in my life! I plan on taking a whole bunch of photos!
"All ready to go Felicity?"
"All ready Kaya!"
"You are going to love the mountains and the fresh air. I know you love being outdoors so this will be the perfect vacation for you. I can't wait to see your photos and hear all about it!!"
Felicity said her good-byes to Kaya and the rest of the girls then headed out for an eleven hour drive across Kansas and up into the mountains.
We were driving into Denver as the sun was rising and I could just barely make out purple mountains in the distance. The mountains seemed to move away from us the further we drove. What I didn't realize is that they weren't moving away it was just that we were driving higher up in elevation creating a strange optical illusion.
We were heading to Breckenridge and it wasn't long before the flat plains turned into a very vertical world of step rocky mountains. At first I felt a little trapped because I'm so use to being able to see out across the land but when you're in the mountains you can't. It was all very different from what I expected!! 
The mountains started to become snowy then the next thing I knew we were high in the mountains in the town of Breckenridge!
Ski towns are cool because everyone is walking around all bundled up and carrying their skis or snowboards everywhere.
We spent the day in Breckenridge just shopping and eating. One thing that was a little strange about Breckenridge was that it was still decorated for Christmas... Lissy and I really like it! :)

Look at these beautiful horses! It's so pretty and old fashioned in Breckenridge!
Later that evening we drove up to Winter Park where we were staying.
The view on the porch of our condo was amazing!
I loved gazing out at all the pine trees and snow capped mountains! It's magical.
It makes you kind of feel small in this great big majestic world!
Oh and check out this humongous icicle outside our condo!!
We drove Lissy's little VW Slug Bug up here and it was covered with mountain snow the next morning.
We found this great little restaurant and ate there everyday! It had an ocean/beach theme so it felt like we were back in Florida but when we looked out the windows we saw snowy mountains... pretty cool.
After breakfast that first morning we went to rent our ski gear in town then headed to the ski resort.
I didn't know what to expect when we got to the ski resort but what I found was pretty awesome!
First we rode the Cabriolet from the parking lot into the village. That was so cool...
As we danged from a cable I could see so far out.
And just below us was the tubing hill.

Ok so learning to ski wasn't too hard but honestly I'd rather just hike through the mountains than be stuck to skis. Plus ski boots are awful!
I will say this though, there is NO view like the view you get on the tip of a mountain!
After I skied for a little bit I was tired of it and needed a snack!
Yes ice cream is much better than skiing!
I really enjoyed our activity the day after our skiing day. 
We just did some laid back hiking and playing in the snow.
I love being in nature!
It was a great adventure that turned into an imaginary world...
I wasn't Felicity in Colorado anymore. No, I had become Princess Ana of  Arendelle searching for my sister Elsa!  
It's awesome how it's cold and snowy in the mountains but if the sun is shining it really doesn't feel too cold so you can play outdoors for hours!
On our last day in Colorado we had to pack up and check out in the morning.
Oh by the way look at the size of our icicle on our last day there! It just kept growing! And more big icicles grew around it! So cool!
It was way bigger than me!
I was pretty sad that morning; it was too soon to be leaving!
I just sat on our porch and reflected on all the happy memories we made.
I wish my pants would have gotten frozen to that ledge so I didn't have to go.

The good news was we got to go to the ski resort one more time! This time it wasn't for skiing; instead we went TUBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tubing was my favorite part of the WHOLE trip! I didn't get many photos because I was having too much fun!
We rode down those hills and went back up so many times! You wouldn't believe how fast the tubes can go! Sometimes the helper guys would give your tube a quick jerk and sending you spinning down the hill! IT ROCKED!!!
 We warmed up with crepes and hot cocoa in the ski resort, popped into a few shops, rode the Cabriolet a couple times just for fun, then finally, I couldn't stall anymore and Lissy said we had to start our long drive back to Kansas City. I begged and begged to not go.
Our little green car was
 one of the last cars in the lot. Looks teeny in front of those mountains huh!
Back down the mountains we went.
As we were driving back through Denver the sun was setting over the mountains. I watched the purple mountains fade away out the rear window of the Bug for as long as I could still see them. 
I hope I get to go back to see my beloved mountains again sometime soon.
Have you seen mountains yet? It's pretty breathtaking to stand before their greatness!

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