Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Felicity Freely Takes Over

Guess what I have taken over!!
If you are new to this blog you might not realize that it has just gone through some major changes. 
It use to be run by Lissy, (she is my grown up friend who I live with) but now I have taken over the blog!!!

Since Lissy is a grown up she's gotten very busy doing boring grown up things and asked if I might be able to help her with our blog. I was more than happy to help because I love to take photos and write.

So let me start by telling you a little bit more about me. My name is Felicity Merriman but my friends call me Lissie just like "Lissy" my grown up friend but I spell it with an "ie" and she spells it with a "y". 
I actually live in Virginia during 1775, however, I have a secret. I am able to time travel, but... that's a story for another day.
...any ways...
Back home there is a lot of scary stuff happening between us and the British so my parents thought it would be safer for me to live here with Lissy. Besides, I like it better in the future because there is so much cool technology, fun clothes, and I can freely be myself. So I travel back in time to visit my friends, family, and my horse Penny now and then, but I spend most of my time here in the future with Lissy and the other girls that live with her.

As you can probably guess I have a very exciting life with lots of adventures and I'm so excited to be able to tell you all about them here on my blog. Speaking of which I better get to work! I already have several post started!
Oh, and if you are someone who has been following us for a while, don't worry Lissy's other girls, are still here too and I will be writing about them as well. You can still see all the old posts that Lissy wrote in the archives in the sidebar.
TTYL!! :)

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