Monday, October 13, 2014

Halloween Decorating and Movie Marathon

Hey friends! We are getting so excited for Halloween around here!
Friday afternoon I picked up some treats and checked out some fun Halloween movies from the library. When I got home I was greeted by Tatlo, so I knew Kaya had gotten home from school. 
"Kaya," I called out.
"I'm up here,” I heard her calling from the loft hangout room. 
     "Hey Kaya watcha doing?" I asked after climbing up to the loft.
     "I'm making a fall decoration for Lissy's classroom. Isn't this such a cute little squirrel!"
     "So cute! I bet all of Lissy's students are getting so excited for Halloween."
      "Actually, Lissy's school is very culturally diverse and many of her students do not celebrate Halloween," she replied.

     I was pretty surprised by that and asked her to explain more about it. She went on to tell me that many of them choose not to celebrate the holiday because of religious beliefs or cultural differences. In some places around the world Halloween is a dangerous night of crime, not a fun night of trick-or-treating like it is in America. She finished explaining then said, "we are lucky to get to live in a country were we are free to make choices about what holidays we want to celebrate. Likewise, we are lucky because we live in a community that we can celebrate fun holidays safely." Kaya is a very smart girl; she helps me to see things differently and to keep an open mind. 

     "Felicity, I can tell you are getting excited for Halloween, you have already started decorating!"
     "Yea, SO EXCITED! I wanted to get all the decorations up before the other girls got here so we can have a Halloween movie marathon weekend! Do you want to help me finish decorating?" I asked.
      "SOUNDS FUN!" She replied as she jumped up off the beanbag chair.

We finished what I started in mine and Molly's space.

Then we moved on to the living room.

Then we finished up by doing Samantha's, Rebecca's, Kirsten's, and Addy's space.  
If you want to get a closer look at some of our decorations you can see them in a previous post. Click HERE to go to that post.

Once we got all the decorations up we were so pleased with our hard work that we were ready to celebrate!
"Yes! We got it all done before the other girls got here!" exclaimed Kaya. "They will be so surprised!"
"We make a good team, Kaya! High Five!!"  
"Now let's go set out the movie treats!!"
"Wow! Felicity you got all the good stuff!... Popcorn, candy, and cookies...this is going to be the best movie marathon weekend ever!"
And it was! We watched so many good movies and ate until our bellies ached! One of my favorite Halloween movies is Hocus Pocus have you seen it? We also watched some old Halloween shows on YouTube. Here are a few links to some of them:

Do you celebrate Halloween? 
If so are there any Halloween movies that you enjoy watching?

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