Monday, November 4, 2013

BFF Adventures: No More Candy

Grammy's party animals had one more Halloween party this weekend and it really put them over the edge!
"I will never eat sugar again," grumbled DeeDee.
"Neither will I, my tummy feels wretched!" moaned Emily.

"Inkpot, you're lucky you don't know what candy is!" Caroline told her sweet kitty.

"All I want to do is lay here. Sugar just makes me feel all sleepy." yawned Anna.
Grammy told the girls she wanted just one last group photo then they must brush their teeth and go right to bed. It took every last drop of energy in these girls to pose for the photo. 
The moral of the story is:
Don't Eat Too Much Sugar!!

A Cozy Halloween

While the BFFs were trick-or-treating the rest of my girls wanted to have a more calm and quiet Halloween inside.
Felicity had just come home from studying at the library.
"There are already trick-or-treaters out," she stated.
Rebecca was rehearsing her lines for an up coming play she is staring in.
"I know, it's a good thing we decided to stay in so we could pass out candy. There has been a few groups come by so far," commented Rebecca. 
Kirsten was baking pumpkin muffins.
"I'll get it this time!" Kirsten said as she wiped her hands on her apron and scurried to the door.
Samantha was relaxing in the parlor enjoying the calming music Addy played on her violin.
"You are so talented Addy!" she complemented. 
"Oh thank you," Addy blushed.
 "Indeed! You really have a natural talent; play another song for us!" Kirsten begged as she walked back to the kitchen.
"Actually all these trick-or-treaters make me want to put on our old Halloween hats and masks just for fun," Addy said.
"I love my mask, it's so glamorous!"
Addy called Felicity and Rebecca into the parlor to come play in their masks.

"I love dress up and I love parlor games! Do you want to play Yes and No?" suggest Rebecca.
"Great idea! Anybody want some popcorn?" asked Felicity hidden behind her jack-o-lantern mask.
"YES to that question!" Addy giggled helping herself to a handful.
"Now Rebecca is what you are thinking of a man?"
"A kind man?"
"Does he have anything to do with Halloween?"
"Is he scary?"
"Yessssssss," she hisses theatrically.
The questions went on and on and the description of the mystery scary man became more and more terrifying.
"I'm too scared to ask anymore questions!" Kirsten trembled.
"It's ok Kirsten, besides I think I've got the answer! Is it the Headless Horseman?"
"YES!!!" Rebecca belted out, giving the girls one last scare. 
What fun the girls had on this cozy fall evening! :)
How did you celebrate Halloween this year?

BFF Adventures: Trick-or-Treating

"Hey everyone! We are here!!" belted out Molly as she came clip clopping into Grammy's with Kaya.
"Molly, why are you wearing our tap outfit?" asked DeeDee.
"Well DeeDee I am not just your average tap dancer tonight!... I am a Rockette!!" replied Molly waving her jazz hands around.
"And Kaya you must be a spooky Halloween girl !" said Emily.
"That's right, a spooky Halloween girl that is VERY excited to go trick-or-treating!" said Kaya.
"Wait before we go out, look at your party favors!" Anna insisted.
Each girl got a surprise party favor box filled with candy and a cool Halloween decoration they get to color themselves. 
Grammy called the girls to go outside for a group photo before they hit the town collecting gobs of candy.
 An adorable Cinderella, Rockette, Sleeping Beauty, Spooky Girl, Minnie Mouse, and Snow White were more than ready. "LET'S GO!!!!" hollered DeeDee.
The girls had gone up and down the streets of Grammy's neighborhood until their arms ached from carrying their loaded candy buckets. 
Once back at Grammy's they dumped their buckets out to count, sort, and swap their candy.
"Hey did anybody get any dark chocolate?" DeeDee shouted as she stood on the chair to peek over the girls.
"I've got a dark chocolate MilkyWay; wanna trade for a Twix?" Molly offered.
Grammy wanted to do a few more group photos...
Just the Princesses.... 
...And now the others...
...But everyone, even calm quiet Emily, was just too stirred up from all the sugar....  
...And things got a little wild for a moment! 
It took a while before the little monsters came down from their sugar high. By that time Molly and Kaya needed to get back home. 
"What a fun time, I'm so glad we got to come over to trick-or-treat," said Kaya.
"I wish everyday was Halloween," added Anna.