Monday, September 17, 2012

Welcome Caroline!!

Mom and I are so excited to have Caroline a part of our crew now!!
This is what she has so far...
LOOOVVVE her curls and eyes! She reminds me of an old fashioned French porcelain doll!

Doesn't she look so sweet with the bonnet on!!??...Kind of like Little Bow Peep! hehehe :)

Mom and I feel that AG did a very good job with the quality and details of Caroline's collection.

Mom's favorite color is blue so she had to have Caroline's Birthday dress and Winter coat.
She does look stunning in it!

Her coloring is so beautiful, you really can't appreciate it through photographs. If you have not seen her in person, you must!! Neither Mom nor I were exactly thrilled with her at first, but when we went to her release event we fell in love!! Mom couldn't even resist her-- she had to have her right then and there! lol :D

And her nightgown is precious with the adorable little blue bow on the hem!
I personally am crazy about Inkpot! She looks a lot like my cat... we might need to add her to our family at my house too... I think Bennett and MissyMeowMeow would like a new furry friend :)

I am also very excited about Caroline's stories, in fact I'm at the library checking them out right now!! I honestly know very little about the War of 1812 or that time period... I can't wait to start reading them! AG has taught me so much about history.
What is your favorite historical girl's story collection? Mine is Felicity's.
Have you read Caroline's stories yet?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

advice from the girls for a successful school year

With a new school year in full swing the girls wanted to share some of their advice for making this year a successful school year for you. Each girl thought of one thing that they think will really help your year be smooth, stress free, and pleasant!
Felicity says Be Positive!! 
"Attitude is the one thing that can make a huge difference. Math can be a tricky subject, but when I got my first math assignment back with 7 out of 10 correct I knew I could do better than that. Instead of being disappointed I focused and worked harder on my next math unit. I was so proud that I got 8 out of 10 that time. Then on the third try I worked even harder and got 9 out of 10 correct! I was thrilled to earn an A because I knew I did my personal best.
Be excited about what you accomplish and celebrate with your friends when they do great things too. Try to go into school each day with a smile and a positive attitude."

Addy says Do Your Homework
"Doing your homework is a must! Not doing your homework comes with many unpleasant consequences! Homework is not only a way to practice what your are learning, it is also yours and your teacher's way of knowing if you truly understand the concept you are learning. If you do your homework well it shows that you are ready for the test or the next unit. If the assignment was tricky for you or your grade was low that shows that maybe things are still fuzzy and a review session is necessary--it's better to know right away then later on down the road.
On nights when you only have a quick and simple assignment or NO homework you should still spend time studying for up coming tests, work a little on a long term projects, or read. Making time for homework every night, no matter what, keeps you in the habit of making school top priority so that you never get behind."

Samantha says Be Respectful
"Teachers work extremely hard to make sure all of their students are succeeding in all ways. All they want is they best for their students. Because of that you should try to return the favor by showing them immense amounts of respect and gratitude. Do whatever you can to help your teacher and let him or her know how much you appreciate their hard work. Just as Grandmary always tells me, remember your manners!  Little things make a big difference, such as, quietly raising your hand to get the teacher's attention instead of rudely interrupting. Never forget to say please and thank you. Say good morning to your teacher when you get to school each day. That type of behavior shows your teacher that you respect him or her.
To earn respect you must first give it."

Molly says Get Involved
"School is more than just text books and exams, it's a place to experience and learn about all kinds of things! Find something that interests you and get involved. Whether you enjoy drama, sports, art, writing, or even community service there is bound to be a group, club, or team that you can become a part of. Being a member of a group or team gives you confidence, it helps you learn more about yourself and how to work with others, AND you get to make more friends!"

Kirsten says Don't Be Afraid to Ask Questions
"When I first came to America it was really scary not knowing the language or the customs. I had to learn to be brave and ask for help. The good news is there are usually many people eager to help. There is no such thing as a stupid question; all questions have value! Sometimes you might be asking the same question other people are wondering but are too afraid to ask. Your teacher won't be mad if you don't understand something, instead he or she will notice that you are interested and tuned into the lesson. It doesn't matter if you are asking how to pronounce a word or what makes the sky blue all questions lead to more knowledge and more knowledge leads to a successful school year! So if you are confused, lost, or curious go ahead and ask someone."

Rebecca says Be Healthy
"Being healthy is just as important as studying is in your academic success. If you are hungry or tired it's super hard to concentrate, that's why you need to create healthy habits that make you feel good and do well in school. Sleep, exercise, and eating nutritious foods are a must! Try to get to bed at a reasonable time every night so that you are getting about ten hours of sleep. Sleep is not the only thing that gives you energy; exercise also boosts your energy so that you can be awake and alert during the school day.
After school get outdoors and play or be active in some kind of a way for about 20 minutes or more each day.
Start your day with a hardy breakfast and keep yourself fueled with a well balanced lunch. Try to pick snacks that aren't too sugary-- limit yourself on junk food in general.
Also remember personal hygiene habits like washing your face, brushing your teeth, brushing your hair, and bathing will make you feel good too.
Lastly, wash your hands regularly to keep germs at bay so that you won't get sick. Being sick is no fun-- you miss out on things at school causing you to fall behind.
Always look and feel your best from the inside out so that you can do your best in school."

Emily says Be Kind
"One of the best parts about school is the relationships you build. Friends are what help you through the tough times at school and they make the good times even better. You must be a friend to get friends and the best way to be a good friend is by acts of kindness. Showing empathy, concern, and love for your classmates and teachers will help make school a safe and comfortable environment."

DeeDee says Focus on the Teacher
"Mostly I just love having fun, but I have learned you don't have much fun if you don't do well in school. So I have to make sure that when my teacher is talking I only focus on her and what she is saying. I have to block out everything else...even when my best friends are distracting me. During instructions I am all business no nonsense because I know it's the only way I am going to learn my lessons. Participating in class discussions and answering the teachers' questions helps as well. Just be sure you listen and watch your teachers carefully so you will always know what is going on."

Caroline says Be Welcoming to New Friends
Yes that's right we got CAROLINE!!!!!!!!!
We are so happy to introduce to you Miss Caroline Abbott!
She is living at my mom's with Emily and DeeDee and here is what she has to say:
Be welcoming to new students but also be sure you include everyone in your circle of friends no matter how different they may be from you. Keep your heart, mind, and even arms wide open for all.
P.S. more photos of  Caroline coming soon!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

waterfall braids

hi friends!
i wanted to show you some photos of waterfall braids i did on felicity and deedee today.
this fancy waterfall braid was actually my first attempt at a waterfall braid. i was having so much fun i just got carried away and braided all the way to the nape of her neck! :D ha ha
i started on one side working my way over then didn't know how to finish it so i started working back the other way. i continued doing that back and forth then tied it off in a low side pony.
on the other hand deedee has a basic waterfall braid across the crown of her head. i finished it by braiding it into a single long thin braid on the side of her face. i love how it creates shorter layers accentuating her beautiful wavy hair.

 anyways hope you enjoyed my pics :)