Friday, January 24, 2014

Fairy Costumes for my Niece

Felicity loves being outdoors so in the winter she gets a little bored being stuck inside all day.

Hey Felicity, wanna help me make a craft?

That got her up and excited! She was quick to join me in the studio. Felicity loves to help me make stuff and today we are making two sets of doll Fairy costumes for my littlest niece, Cora.
This past summer I had a Fairy Party for my older nieces and they got fairy wings and tutus as party favors. (You can see photos from that party by clicking here.) However, Cora wasn't at that party so Felicity and I are making the same kind of wings and tutus for Cora's 6th birthday.

Felicity got to be my model which was perfect because Cora got Saige for her birthday and Felicity and Saige look similar so I could easily imagine Saige in these costumes.

Cora loves yellow and purple and she loves the movie Tangled, so Rapunzel was my inspiration for this first set.

The tutus are super easy to make. I used elastic cord for the waist and tied tulle and ribbon on it. I also added some flowers which I hot glued on.

The wings are a little bit more involved. I used 4 pipe cleaners and bent them to the wing shape I liked and twisted the ends together so all four pipe cleaners formed two connected pairs. Then I  hot glued a flat piece of  tulle to the pipe cleaner "frames" and trimmed the extra tulle off. When they were dry and sturdy I used puff paint to decorate them with pretty swirls and glitter. Since my other nieces are older their wings had saftey pins to attach the wings to the doll's clothing, but Cora is only six so I went for a safer version with ribbons that tie around arms/shoulders.
Cora, like me, is a big time Christmas freak! So I wanted to also make a Christmas set for her as well. 
I like this set so much I almost kept them for myself haha :)
I really liked the way the wings turned out.
I hot glued five rosettes in the middle with green satin ribbon cut into leaf shapes; it kind of resembled holly.

After everything was dry, set, and just right we bundled them up and packaged them in a cute Hello Kitty gift bag :)
We can't wait to see Saige in these fabulous Fairy costumes :)
What are you doing to prevent the cold winter blues? Are you getting cabin fever yet? Try making some doll crafts with your doll friends like Felicity and I did :)
P.S. I'm really behind on my posts... I have a bunch to do from Christmas time so stay tuned!