Monday, August 1, 2011

passon for american girl dolls

one of the reasons i am so passionate about these dolls is because of the stories that go with them. as a little girl reading was a chore for me; it was hard work with no reward in my mind. i'd read a paragraph and then not have any idea what it was about. it would take me hours to read a chapter.  i really struggled with it and got so frustrated i'd quit before i could even start. there where only a few books that would hold my interest and they were almost always stories that took place in a different time period. i love things from the "olden days" and im convinced i was born in the wrong time period. so when i got into american girl books i was able to travel time and become friends with girls from long ago. having the bond with my dolls helped me to connect with the book which helped me stay focused, interested, and  kept me always wanting more! now looking back i have a heart felt appreciation for this company and the authors of the books. they turned over a huge struggle for me as a kid. reading is so important and it's a pastime that most children don't choose anymore. the key is finding what they are interested and helping them make connections with their books.

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