Monday, March 26, 2012

BFF adventures: in the dark of the night!

 well the girls have had a pretty severe case of spring fever and were feeling quite rambunctious! they stretched and took a long walk in my mom's neighborhood, but still were feeling silly and wild. the sun had even gone down but they didn't feel the least bit tired.

then molly had a great idea: hide and seek in the dark!
molly was "it" first, while she counted deedee and emily bolted wildly trying to spot the best hiding places.

deedee was quickly found first. that was too easy deedee!

deedee counted then cautiously peeked around every dark corner until she heard a giggle behind the chimenea...

hehe it was emily... deedee was so close to her she couldn't help but let out a little laugh!

molly started laughing then too because it was so silly that emily gave away her hiding spot especially because molly was sure she would be found first since the only spot she could find was just under the patio table... kinda obvious molly!

after emily counted she couldn't find either girl. she searched and searched, but they were evidently getting better at finding well hidden spots! emily even crept out into the cold wet grass, it was creepy out in the yard so late in the evening (and she was worried about stepping in dog poopoo lol)!
just then she heard a low, gargley, and angry moaning! she froze terrified out in the dark yard alone.

at that same moment molly popped out from behind the bird bath and whispered to emily, "psst, emily did you hear that?"
emily was still frozen with fear, and then there it was again but even louder! both girls screamed and went running inside! chasing after them was a mean and vicious deedee monster moaning and hollering until she busted out hysterical laughing at her scaredy cat friends!!

emily and molly felt a little silly; how could they not know it was their trickster friend deedee... of course! don't worry they got her back with a wild tickle fight later!

have any of your friends pulled a prank on you? next sunday is april fools day, any plans to trick someone?


  1. Oh we love love love pranks, but April fools does not work around here because we have done so many things over the years with it and all of us. lol


  2. Oh yes, Lindsey is quite the prankster. She has pulled pranks on us in the past, and sometimes they are quite elaborate! I wasn't here for the last one, thank goodness! I wonder if she has anything planned this year? Who knows, she may have forgotten about it, but I won't remind her!

    Since we all attend a boarding school, we like to fool our teachers by saying that we forgot to do our homework. I guess that prank won't work so well, since April Fools' Day is on a Sunday this year, though.

