Monday, September 17, 2012

Welcome Caroline!!

Mom and I are so excited to have Caroline a part of our crew now!!
This is what she has so far...
LOOOVVVE her curls and eyes! She reminds me of an old fashioned French porcelain doll!

Doesn't she look so sweet with the bonnet on!!??...Kind of like Little Bow Peep! hehehe :)

Mom and I feel that AG did a very good job with the quality and details of Caroline's collection.

Mom's favorite color is blue so she had to have Caroline's Birthday dress and Winter coat.
She does look stunning in it!

Her coloring is so beautiful, you really can't appreciate it through photographs. If you have not seen her in person, you must!! Neither Mom nor I were exactly thrilled with her at first, but when we went to her release event we fell in love!! Mom couldn't even resist her-- she had to have her right then and there! lol :D

And her nightgown is precious with the adorable little blue bow on the hem!
I personally am crazy about Inkpot! She looks a lot like my cat... we might need to add her to our family at my house too... I think Bennett and MissyMeowMeow would like a new furry friend :)

I am also very excited about Caroline's stories, in fact I'm at the library checking them out right now!! I honestly know very little about the War of 1812 or that time period... I can't wait to start reading them! AG has taught me so much about history.
What is your favorite historical girl's story collection? Mine is Felicity's.
Have you read Caroline's stories yet?


  1. That cool you were able to get a lot of her collection!

    1. Yes, but she is my mom's, she lives with her. I do get to play with her though, so I'm really happy Mom got her and a bunch of her clothes :)

  2. My favorite historical character is Julie. I have all of her books. I'm looking forward to checking Caroline's books from the library as well. Are you changing your header picture now to include Caroline?

  3. I've read Julie's first 3 books. I need to finish them, they are really good so far! I was thinking about changing my header but I've always had just my 6 girls on my headers. Maybe I should include Mom's 3 ( Emily, DeeDee, and Caroline ).

  4. Hi Lissy!

    Congrats on Caroline! She is gorgeous!

    I have awarded you the "Artsy Award!" Congratulations!

    Here is the link to my post:


    P.S. I really enjoy following your blog, and I would love it if you followed mine!

  5. Awwwwwwwwwwww! That is so cute! Adoable!
