Monday, September 1, 2014

BFF Adventures: Labor Day

The unofficial end of Summer means one more day to live out those warm sunshiny moments of Summer freedom... poolside of course!! 
Molly and I headed to my Mom's for a makeshift pool day with the BFFs. Now Mom has always dreamed of having a pool in her backyard, alas kiddie pools are all we ever had. The BFFs didn't mind, they were just happy to be celebrating Labor Day together in the sun.

After getting into their suits and grabbing their pool bags, they headed to the backyard.

The pool was small but the water was cool and refreshing! With the lawn chairs and towels laid out they could imagine themselves at a glamorous resort! 
Everything was good and just right. They pretended Summer would never end. And in that moment it really felt like that could be true.

"So, Ruthie are you going to go scuba diving in our pool?" DeeDee asked chuckling.
Ruthie smirked back at DeeDee's sarcasm and sweetly turned her nose up and replied, "Why yes I am. I'm hoping to find a mermaid princess DeeDee!"
Then they all rolled back laughing with Ruthie.

"Hey Emily, remember when we got to go to the beach in Florida together?" Molly asked.
"Yes, of course, that was such a lovely trip; we made many wonderful memories." 
In Caroline's old-fashioned modest ways she sat properly under the shade of her pretty parasol perched upon a whicker chair poolside. It was a perfect day to be outdoors.

"Hey guys I'm diving in!... Just teasing, I'm pretty sure there is no diving allowed!" said Anna while splashing around in the shallow water. 
The sun smiled down on the jolly girls all day long as they basked in his rays.

Soon the girls would be back in school and deep into all the throws of studying and after school activities. But for now they had not a care in the world.   

There in the sanctuary of the backyard surrounding a tiny pool these six best friends delighted in each others company. Their hearts and minds were full of happy thoughts and dreams of things to come as the season begin to change. 

Did you enjoy your Labor Day?
Are you sad Summer is over or are you excited for Autumn?
I love the transition seasons, Spring and Autumn, they are so full of change and newness.
Speaking of which Lissy Will Never Grow Up will soon be going through some big changes. I'm ready to try something new here on my blog. So be looking forward to the new updates coming this Fall!

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