Friday, October 3, 2014


Hi guys I'm playing with my paper doll of Isabelle which I got in a Happy Meal from McDonalds.
I really like Isabelle. I wish I could dance like her!
 We just watched her movie. Have you seen it? It's so good! You can watch it on YouTube. If you click HERE and it will take you to the movie.
I really want to show you what I made for my new Julie doll!
Look! She has her own room under my loft bed!
 I kept the box she came in and covered it with vintage fabric I brought back with me after time traveling to the 1970s.
And look at this cool mini Volkswagen Beetle I found! It reminds me of the blue one you can get for Julie in her Car Wash Set.
Isn't this just the perfect space for my little 70s girl!?! 
 Hey I think I heard Kaya get home! During the week Kaya lives at the school where Lissy teaches. I'm always excited for the weekend so she can come home and play with me!

Kaya, I'm back here in my room...

Whoa Tatlo, thanks for all the kisses and love! 
Hey Felicity! Yeah Tatlo and I have been very excited to see you!
So Kaya, how was your week at school with Lissy?
(I love hearing about all the fun things Kaya gets to do at school)

Super good, guess what I got to meet a new friend, her name is Cora! Lissy took a photo of us, wanna see it!?
Cora lives with one of Lissy's students named Bella and Cora looks exactly like Bella! 

That's awesome Kaya, she is very pretty! Look I got a new friend too! I bought Julie! Would you like to play dolls with me?

COOL! Of course I want to play! I'll get my AG doll!
Do you have any fun plans for this weekend?

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