Saturday, January 31, 2015

Reunited Treasures

My friend Rebecca wants to be a famous movie star and let me tell you she is committed to her dreams!
 I hardly get to see Becky because between acting class, dance class, and drama club she spends her time practicing and rehearsing at home!
I think it is great she is so passionate... Her motivation inspires me, however sometimes she allows her priorities to get out of balance.
 There are times Becky will completely forget to eat a meal because all she can think about is memorizing her lines.
 The other day Becky realized how much her distorted priorities were effecting her friendships.
Becky had just gotten home and Sam was so excited to see her best friend. "Becky, I'm so glad you're here! I've missed you and have been wanting to share something special with you!"
"Sam, I can't right now I have to change and get to an extra dance class tonight. I'm really stressing over this dance... I just can't get the steps right... My instructors are putting a lot of pressure on me to practice more!" 
"Oh, I see, that does sound important. I understand," Sam said as she stared downward to hide her disappointed face and teary eyes.
But Becky is no coldhearted friend, that is for sure!  As she dressed for dance she began to sense that Sam was hurt and needed a friend. The dance class was important but nothing is as important as loving a friend when they need it. After she had changed she came back to the living room and said, "Sam, something is upsetting you. Do you want to talk about it?"
Sam shook her head silently then without looking up told Becky, "You'd better get on your way, you don't want to be late."
Becky replied, "No, I want to be with you. I can practice later and I haven't spent time with you in too long. I miss you. 
At that point Sam looked up, "Really! Because I've missed you so much since you've gotten so busy and I really want to have my best friend back."
"I know Sam, and I will make a point of setting aside time for friends, I'm just realizing how much time I have spent alone doing things for myself. As for right now I want nothing more than to see what it was that you wanted to share with me!"
Sam's eyes sparkled with delight in her dear friend!
Samantha went on to show Rebecca her beloved scrapbook and music box which Grandmarry had just retrieved from storage for Sam. Becky had heard Sam speak of these items and knew how special they were to Sam because they were gifts from her late parents. She must have been overwhelmed with joy when she was reunited with the sentimental treasures, Becky thought. As she thought on that she also reflected on her own joy bubbling up inside her... she too was reunited with a treasure... no richer treasure than a best friend.
The girls spent the evening talking, playing with the kittens, listening to the music box, and looking over the scrapbook page by page. Sam looked up into Becky's hazel eyes and smiled ear to ear, "Thank you Becky. It means so much that you would skip a dance class to be with me. You are the best friend a girl could ask for!" Rebecca just smiled humbly and took Sam's hand. "Hey, why don't you perform your dance for me, maybe I could kind of help you practice!" Sam suggested excitedly.
"Great idea Sam!!"
There is one thing Becky will never refuse and that is putting on a performance for an audience!
Rebecca hopped right up and began the routine and Samantha loved every minute of it!
These two girls sure do know how to support one another and show each other how much they care!
I love my friends and I love to see them growing and strengthening themselves!
Do you ever have things that keep you from your friends or family? What do you do to help the situation?

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